Farah Zeynep Abdullah is starring in the film about Bergen’s life. She has posted the poster of the movie on her social media account. Those who have seen the poster could not believe their eyes due to the resemblance of Farah Zeynep Abdullah to Bergen.
Farah Zeynep Abdullah’s latest television series is Innocents (Masumlar Apartmani). She is starring in the movie that will tell the life story of singer Bergen. Erdal Besikcioglu and Tilbe Saran will also star in the movie together with Farah Zeynep Abdullah.

Details about the movie Bergen
Screen writer: Yildiz Bayazit, Sema Kaygusuz
Director: Caner Alper and Mehmet Binay
Producer: Mine Sengoz
Story: Bergen is a popular Turkish singer. She is known for “the woman of suffering”. The movie tell the story of Bergen from Ankara to Adana and illustrate how her life changed due to her lover.
The Cast of Bergen:
- Farah Zeynep Abdullah as Bergen
- Erdal Beşikçioğlu as Halis Serbest
- Nergis Öztürk as Nadire
- Şebnem Sönmez as Suna
- Ahmet Kayakesen as Abdullah
- Arif Pişkin as Selahattin
- Suzan Kardeş
- Cemal Günbaş as Erdal
- Ali Seçkiner Alıcı as Cevdet
Bergen Movie Trailer